Reports and deliverables summarise the progress of the project so far to our funders, colleagues and stakeholders.
We aim to make as many reports as possible open to the public by publishing open access in the Zenodo Blue-Action community.
To read more in depth about the progress of the project, please explore the reports below.
After the project closure, all public deliverables will be available in Cordis:
Workpackage 1 Improving seasonal long-range forecast skill of risks for hazardous weather and climate events
- How to identify weather patterns associated with occurrences of extreme events in models (D1.1) available in Zenodo
- Attribution of extremes to climate phenomena (D1.2) This is still confidential, for the time being
- Quantified skill in weather patterns associated with extreme events (D1.3) results have been published in,
- Predictability of marine cold air outbreaks and polar lows with dynamical S2S forecasts (D1.4) results have been published in
Workpackage 2 Lower Latitude Drivers of Arctic Changes
- Model-observation and reanalyses comparison at key locations for heat transport to the Arctic (D2.1)
available in Zenodo
- Seasonal to decadal variability of the subpolar gyre (D2.2)
available in Zenodo
- Processes and flow over the Iceland-Faroe Ridge (D2.3)
available in Zenodo
- Synthesis and dissemination of ocean and atmosphere heat transport to the Arctic (D2.4)
available in Zenodo
- Assessment of Oceanic anomalies of predictive potential (D2.5)
available in Zenodo
- Oceanic heat anomalies and Arctic sea‐ice variability (D2.6)
available in Zenodo
- Cost-benefit analysis of the RAPID and OSNAP arrays - Link up with AtlantOS workshop on gap analysis (D2.7) available on Cordis
- Optimization of the GSR inflow arrays (D2.8) available in Zenodo
- Assessment of heat transport and distribution in the high Arctic in eddy resolving model (Milestone MS8)
available in Zenodo
- Coupled reanalysis of the Arctic climate (Milestone MS9)
available in Zenodo
Workpackage 3 Linkages of Arctic Climate Changes to Lower Latitudes
- Identification of the surface state influence in representing the Arctic warming by coordinated atmosphere-only simulations (D3.1)
available in Zenodo
- Identification of key processes in bridging the Arctic warming impact and its variation on decadal timescales (D3.2)
available in Zenodo
- Oceanic and climatic impacts of freshwater release over the last few decades (D3.4)
available in Zenodo
- Improved key process in representing Arctic Warming (D3.5) available on Cordis
- Role of ocean-atmosphere coupling in bridging the Arctic warming over lower latitudes (D3.3) available on Cordis
Workpackage 4 Enhancing the capacity of seasonal-to-decadal predictions in the Arctic and over the Northern Hemisphere
- Selected baseline prediction data for impact studies (D4.1),
available in Zenodo
- Benchmark performance of state-of- the-art prediction systems (D4.2)
available in Zenodo
- Impact of Arctic on Northern Hemisphere predictability (D4.3) available on Cordis
- Sensitivity predictions performed (D4.4) available on Cordis
- Best practices for enhancing user relevant prediction skill (D4.5) available on Cordis
Workpackage 5 Developing and Valuing Climate and Information Services
Case studies (CS) on:
- End-user needs report (D5.1). This deliverable is confidential, but a short summary is
available in Zenodo
- Model Information Utilization Report (D5.2)
available in Zenodo
- Assessment and Evaluation Methodology Report (D5.3)
available in Zenodo
- Leaflet of SnowApp service (D5.5) in English and in Finnish
- Regional Dissemination Seminar report (D5.6)
available in Zenodo
Temperature-related mortality
- End-user requirements report (D5.7)
available in Zenodo
- Product Development report (D5.8)
available in Zenodo
- Evaluation of the product (D5.9)
available in Zenodo
- Dissemination of the temperature-related mortality product (D5.10)
available in Zenodo
Polar Lows
- Requirements specifications report (D5.11)
available in Zenodo
- Workshops with the end-users of the CS3 demo application (D5.14)
available in Zenodo
- Arctic Extreme Weather Risk web application: A climate service to harness extreme weather risk (Factsheet, D5.14) available in Zenodo
- The Arctic Extreme Weather Risk web app: how to use it (D5.12) available in Zenodo
- Evaluation of the polar lows forecast system (D5.13), available in Zenodo
Marine Fisheries
- Report on Marine Fisheries Climate services workshop (D5.16)
available in Zenodo
- Marine fisheries forecasts products (D5.17)
available in Zenodo
Yamal 2040 scenarios
- Arctic stakeholder Map (D5.20 )
available in Zenodo
- Environment scanning workshop and report 1, Blue‐Action Case Study Nr. 5 (D5.21). This deliverable is confidential, but a short summary is
available in Zenodo
- Environment scanning workshop and report Nr. 2 (D5.22).
available in Zenodo
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the engagement of stakeholders (D5.23)
available in Zenodo
Workpackage 6 Clustering for Blue Growth
Workshop reports:
- "Tipping Elements in the Climate System, with a Focus on the North Atlantic" (D6.1)
available in Zenodo
- "Representativeness of Ocean Observations and Flux Circulations" (D6.2)
available in Zenodo
- "Climate Predictions in the Atlantic-Arctic Sector" (D6.2)
available in Zenodo
- "The Subpolar North Atlantic Eastern Boundary", a collaboration of ATLAS, Blue-Action the A4 Projects (D6.3)
available in Zenodo
Inputs to:
- "Predicting the North Atlantic climate services", a contribution to the AtlantOS Blueprint (D6.4)
available in Zenodo
- "Inputs to the Marine Microbiome Roadmap", an output of the H2020 AORA-CSA project (D6.5)
available in Zenodo
Workpackage 7 Management
- Structure and detailed tasks of the project office (D7.1)
available in Zenodo
- Risk register system and procedures (D7.2)
available in Zenodo
- Data Management Plan (D7.3)
- Minutes of the first annual meeting (D7.4) - confidential-
- Minutes from the second annual meeting (D7.5) - confidential-
- Minutes from the third annual meeting (D7.6) - confidential-
Workpackage 8 Communication, Dissemination, Engagement and Exploitation
- Communication and dissemination plan: Matrix update (D8.1)
available in Zenodo
- Intranet for internal communication (D8.2) confidential
- Project website (D8.3)
available in Zenodo
- Communication and Dissemination Plan (D8.4) confidential
- Programme on Professional Development (D8.6) confidential
- Exploitation plan (D8.12)
available in Zenodo
- Presence at SOS 2016 for networking and visibility Sustainable Ocean Summit (D8.5)
available in Zenodo
- Social Engagement Group Knowledge Exchange 1 (D8.7)
available on Zenodo
- Policy briefing in Edinburgh "Ocean observations and predictions in response to the climate emergency" (D8.8)
available in Zenodo
- What is the deal with the viral Picture of the dogs walking on the Water? (D8.9)
available in Zenodo
- Roadshow showing the mid-term results of WP5 to larger business audiences (D8.13)
available on Zenodo
- How can studying the Arctic help us predict future European weather and climate beyond the mean? Social Engagement Group Knowledge exchange 4 (D8.10)
- "Blue‐Action: Kickstart your enterprise idea" MOOC for climate services developers https://learn.climate‐ Contact Pernille Martiny Modvig if you would like to attend (pernille.martiny‐modvig@) (D8.14) climate‐
- Industry-science panel session at the Sustainable Ocean Summit 2020: Industry Developments, Opportunities and Challenges in the Arctic: Sustainable Arctic Business Development (D8.15)
- Policy briefing Forecasting fish distribution and abundance in the Atlantic Ocean: The challenge of balancing exploitation and sustainability (D8.16)
Milestones attained:
- Milestone 2: Risk monitoring procedures established. Means of verification: Risk register and relevant procedures in place and available in the intranet. Internal procedures have been set up. See deliverable D7.2
- Milestone 1: Kickoff held. Means of verification: Report on kick-off, on internal procedures established, all materials available on the website, press releases of the event.
- Milestone 3: Gender Strategy defined. Means of verification: Report available.
- Milestone 4: Guidelines how to quantify extremes in models using EVT. Means of verification: Report available to the partners.
- Milestone 6: Workshop on results benchmark multimodel ensemble prediction and select case studies for the following tasks (WP4). Means of verification: Report available to the partners.
- Milestone 7: Design the coordinated sensitivity prediction experiments (WP4). Means of verification: Report available to the partners.
- MS8 Assessment of heat transport and distribution in the high Arctic in eddy resolving model.