Blue-Action: Arctic impact on weather and climate

Blue-Action has been a major European research project investigating the effect of a changing Arctic on weather and climate.
It involved over 120 experts from 40 organisations in 17 countries, pooling expertise to improve how we model and predict the impact of warming in the Arctic region. Through a combination of empirical scientific research, advanced statistical techniques and enhanced climate modelling, it aimed to improve understanding of the impact of Arctic warming on regional and global atmospheric and oceanic circulation.
Overall, it has increased our capacity to predict climate and weather extremes in the Northern Hemisphere.
If you would like to know more about Blue-Action, check out our detailed project description and partner organisations. We also have news of our most recent work, and events coming up where you can find out more. If you’re interested in the direct impacts of our Arctic science, we provide a range of climate services translating scientific outputs into relevant and meaningful information for stakeholders.
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Blue-Action is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme and specifically by the Blue-Growth BG-10-2016 call "Impact of Arctic changes on the weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere".
The project contributes to the implementation of the Trans-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance and to the EU's Blue Growth Agenda, and its long term strategy to support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors as a whole.
Blue-Action supports the implementation of the Galway and the Belem Statements, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals 8,9 and 13.
The Blue-Action project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 727852.