Atlantic Pole to Pole: Climate Science 2 Policy

The side-event to the All-Atlantic 2021 conference ( brought together a true All-Atlantic perspective, pole-to-pole, combining projects supported under the Belém Statement and beyond.

The goal was to address the question of "What kind of research priorities should be taken into account in establishing a framework for international collaboration in the next decades?"

Therefore, the H2020 funded projects Blue-Action, MISSION ATLANTIC, TRIATLAS, SO-CHIC showcased how they are addressing important research gaps and support the uptake of science for societal benefit, including policy making, and ocean diplomacy, for the All-Atlantic communities around the Atlantic.

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Did you miss this event?

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Welcome by Gerard McCarthy (Maynooth University)

Atlantic Ocean Challenges and integrated ecosystem assessment,  Andrei Polejack and Mary Wisz (WMU/MISSION ATLANTIC)

The science evidence of the challenge:

  • Atlantic-Arctic Ocean Circulation and Impacts,  Gerard McCarthy (Maynooth University/Blue-Action)
  • Southern Ocean Dynamics and climate, Jean-Baptiste Sallée (CNRS, LOCEAN-IPSL/SO-CHIC)
  • Atlantic Climate-Based Marine Ecosystem Prediction for Sustainable Management, Elaine McDonagh (NORCE/NOC /TRIATLAS)

Wrapping up: Vision for the future, John Bell (European Commission, DG RTD)

Panel discussion moderated by Sheila Heymans (European Marine Board) with Evelia Rivera-Arriaga (Autonomous University of Campeche), Joern Schmidt (ICES), Isabelle Ansorge (University of Cape Town, SEAmester Programme) and all the speakers.


Contributors from H2020 Blue-Action project:

Contributors from the H2020 MISSION ATLANTIC project:

Contributors from the H2020 SO-CHIC project:

Contributors from the H2020 TRIATLAS project:

This side-event is co-organized by four Horizon 2020 funded research projects working on climate predictions in the Atlantic. Blue-Action focuses on changes in climate and weather in the Arctic, it works to develop and improve models that can predict climate from seasons to decades in advance. MISSION ATLANTIC works to map and assess present and future status​ of Atlantic marine ecosystems under multiple stressors. SO-CHIC seeks to understand and quantify variability of heat and carbon budgets in the Southern Ocean through an investigation of the key processes controlling exchanges between the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice. TRIATLAS aims to inform sustainable management of human activities affecting Atlantic marine ecosystems that is critical to maintain ecosystem health and support the blue economy of bordering nations. 

  • Blue-Action: Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (2016-2021)  
  • MISSION ATLANTIC: Towards the Sustainable Development of the Atlantic Ocean: Mapping and Assessing the present and future status of Atlantic marine ecosystems under the influence of climate change and exploitation (2020-2025)  
  • SO-CHIC: Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate (2019-2024)  
  • TRIATLAS: South and Tropical Atlantic Climate-based Marine Ecosystem Prediction for Sustainable Management (2019-2023) 

The Blue-Action, MISSION ATLANTIC, SO-CHIC, and TRIATLAS projects have received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 727852, 862428, 821001, 817578 respectively.

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