4 November 2021, Ocean Connections from the Arctic across the globe, at COP26
A one-hour “workshop” at COP26, in the Nordic Pavilion in Glasgow & virtual
This workshop explored the importance of the ocean in the global and north west European climate, the need to ensure we are measuring the strength of ocean currents and the ocean’s properties, and how this information can be incorporated into climate models, climate services and decision-making at national and international levels.
- The event page: https://www.eventbrite.dk/e/ocean-connections-from-the-arctic-across-the-globe-cop26-tickets-195734787017
- Webstreaming: https://youtu.be/fJ31QC4uIcw
- Slides: https://www.zenodo.org/record/5729404#.YervctXMLiw
Learn more about the Nordic cooperation at COP26 https://www.norden.org/en/information/nordic-co-operation-cop26-glasgow
14 - 17 October 2021, Arctic Circle, Reykjavik (IS)
The annual Arctic Circle Assembly is the largest annual international gathering on the Arctic, attended by more than 2000 participants from 60 countries. It is attended by heads of states and governments, ministers, members of parliaments, officials, experts, scientists, entrepreneurs, business leaders, indigenous representatives, environmentalists, students, activists and others from the growing international community of partners and participants interested in the future of the Arctic. For more information, please see here.
16 September 2021, Webinar on "Ocean predictions and observations in response to the climate emergency"
Showcasing the link between ocean observations, climate models and climate services.Highlighting their importance for decision-making and for responding to the climate emergency.
- Event page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ocean-predictions-and-observations-in-response-to-the-climate-emergency-tickets-167308420991
- Presentation: https://www.zenodo.org/record/5512694#.Yervz9XMLiw
This webinar ihas been a joint collaboration of the Blue-Action, EUMETSAT/GHRSST, TRIATLAS, INTAROS projects: The Blue-Action project, the INTAROS and the TRIATLAS projects have received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements no. 727852, 727890 and 817578 respectively. The GHRSST project office is funded by the European Union Copernicus programme.
2nd June 2021 Atlantic Pole to Pole: Climate Science 2 Policy
The side-event to the All-Atlantic 2021 conference (https://www.allatlantic2021.eu/) brought together a true All-Atlantic perspective, pole-to-pole, combining projects supported under the Belém Statement and beyond.
The goal was to address the question of "What kind of research priorities should be taken into account in establishing a framework for international collaboration in the next decades?"
Therefore, the H2020 funded projects Blue-Action, MISSION ATLANTIC, TRIATLAS, SO-CHIC showcased how they are addressing important research gaps and support the uptake of science for societal benefit, including policy making, and ocean diplomacy, for the All-Atlantic communities around the Atlantic.
Did you miss this event?
You can still access the following documents and recordings.
- Presentations and recording: https://zenodo.org/record/4893616
- Policy briefing: https://zenodo.org/record/4889819
19 - 30 April 2021, EGU General Assembly, Online
EGU hosted vEGU21: Gather Online (#vEGU21). vEGU21 was accessible from around the globe, and featured the 2020 and 2021 awards ceremonies and lectures, mentoring, networking events, and many more activities in addition to nearly 700 scientific sessions.
Blue-Action team members are presented in a range of sessions at vEGU- check out the titles below:
Langehaug et al., Propagation of Thermohaline Anomalies and their predictive potential in the Northern North Atlantic
Asbjørnsen et al. Linking variable Nordic Seas inflow to upstream circulation
Dörr et al., Atmospheric and oceanic drivers of regional Arctic winter sea-ice variability in present and future climates
Arthun et al., Mechanisms of decadal North Atlantic climate variability and implications for the recent cold anomaly
Quijal-Zamorano et al., Forecast of temperature-attributable mortality at lead time of up to 15 days for a very large ensemble of European regions
Polkova et al., Seasonal climate predictions for marine risk assessment in the Barents Sea
Afargan-Gerstman et al. Stratospheric modulation of cold air outbreaks and winter storms in the North Atlantic region and impacts on predictability
20 - 26 March 2021, Arctic Science Summit Week 2021
The theme of the science section was "The Arctic: Regional Changes, Global Challenges." In the theme "Regional changes, global impacts", we are organised a session with our partner Horizon 2020 project APPLICATE on the impact of Arctic climate change on midlatitude weather and climate. In the theme "the changing Arctic Ocean", we organised a session with our partner projects FORCeS and Fisheries and Oceans Canada on climate change in the Arctic Ocean.
1 - 4 February 2021, Arctic Frontiers, Online/Tromso (NO)
The theme of Arctic Frontiers this year was "Building Bridges." There were four thematic days that bridge both plenary and science topics: Wellbeing and Societal Health, Building the Future, Ocean meets Coast and Business Solutions. Highlights from the event are available here.
8 - 11 December 2020, Sustainable Ocean Summit 2020, Online
The SOS 2020 connected the diverse international Blue Economy industry and investment world to focus on the coming “Decade of Action” for sustainable development. Blue-Action participated in a panel on "Arctic Sustainable Development: Impacts of Changing Environmental Conditions on Shipping Operational Risk" from 8:00 to 9:30 CET on 9 December 2020, with Mark Payne (DTU) and Øivin Aarnes (DNV GL).
3 December 2020, Policy Briefing "Forecasting fish distribution and abundance in the Atlantic Ocean: the challenge of balancing exploitation and sustainability", hosted by MEPs Isabel Carvalhais, Pierre Karleskind, adn Grace O'Sullivan
Blue-Action organised a policy briefing in partnership with the European Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, and the H2020 TRIATLAS and MISSION ATLANTIC projects around the topic of long-term predictions for of fish abundance and distribution, with a focus on the Atlantic Ocean and the challenge to balance exploitation and sustainability.
The briefing document is available in Zenodo, and the booklet on Blue-Action fish forecasting work is here. The event report and recording of the event can be accessed here, and presentations are also available in Zenodo: Mark Payne, Femke de Jong, Jorn Schmidt and Laura Meller.
30 November-2 December 2020, Arctic Futures Symposium, online
Arctic Futures Symposium was held on online, and Blue-Action teams were a supporting partner in this year’s event. The annual Arctic Futures Symposium brought together a wide variety of stakeholders: local and national policymakers, Arctic indigenous peoples, natural and social scientists, academics, and representatives of industries operating in or with interests in the Arctic. For more information: https://www.arcticfutures.org/.
To see the recordings of the event, please look here. A report will be made available on the website shortly.
Blue-Action joined two sessions: Session on Pollution, Climate change and how to Develop Sustainabily in the Arctic with Hjalmar Hatun (Havstovan) and the Session on Resilience through Empowerment, with Vilena Valeeva (IASS)
18th November 2020, Understanding climate complexity through art workshop, online
In this Green Tease event, Creative Carbon Scotland worked in partnership with Blue-Action. The aim of the event was to bring together climate research scientists with arts practitioners, to discuss and explore the role of the arts for developing understanding of complex science for the public. To find out more about the event, please check out the presentations here, or read the summary report here or access the recording via Vimeo here
17-18 November 2020, Climate Science 2 Policy event, online
This event was organised by the EASME/EC with a number of climate research projects, including Blue-Action. The main goal of the event was to feed into policy making with a number of recommendations and highlights on research gaps. Blue-Action co-organised a session on Ocean and Polar Processes with APPLICATE, with recommendations available here. We also presented on how to engage policy with science, presentation here. More details on the workshop are available here.
3-5 November 2020, Annual Meeting Blue-Action, online
Our annual Blue-Action meeting was an opportunity to collaborate, connect and plan for the year ahead for all project partners. This year all partners met online for a series of planning break out discussions, sharing new science and highlighting successes from the past year.
28-29 October 2020, Case Study on Snowmaking at the Lapland Tourism Parliament, online
The Blue-Action team of the case study on snowmaking presented the results at the Finnish large event for tourism. Watch out for updates on the website of the event: https://www.lme.fi/etusivu.html
28-30 October 2020, EO for Polar Science Workshop, Online
This workshop aimed to assess the latest advancement in the use of EO technology for Polar Science, exploring the main challenges and opportunities for the coming decade and consulting with the community to contribute to define a common scientific agenda for the future. Blue-Action are led a session on Polar Amplification in partnership with the European Polar Board and SO-CHIC, comprised of talks by leading scientists Richard Davy (NERSC), JB Sallee (LOCEAN), Lily Hahn (U.Washington) and Doug Smith (MET Office), followed by a discussion on future research needs. Presentations and summary are available here.
26-27 October 2020, EU-PolarNet 2 Kickoff and EU Polar Cluster Day 2020, Online
The EU Polar Cluster meeting took place on the Tue 27 October 2020, within the EU Polar Science Week (26-30 October 2020). The EU Polar Cluster meeting was divided into a public open part as an official contribution to the conference, and a closed part only for the EU Polar Cluster members. For the public part, Blue-Action and APPLICATE presented a combined presentation on "Improving the accuracy of climate predictions in the Northern Hemisphere."
22 October 2020, Webinar "Atlantic Ocean predictions and observations in response to the climate emergency", Climateurope #ClimateThursdays Webinars, Online
Blue-Action organised one of the webinars of the #ClimateThursdays webinar series, sharing climate science online in between a series of webstivals. This specific workshop is a collaboration of three H2020 funded projects: Blue-Action, TRIATLAS and MISSION ATLANTIC.
Speakers: Bee Berx (Marine Scotland Science), Noel Keenlyside (UIB) and Mark Payne (DTU Aqua)
The presentations are available here, and you can watch the full webinar recording here.
14 October 2020, Policy briefing on Extreme Events, Tipping Points and Uncertainty, online
Blue-Action teams organised a policy briefing event in partnership with European Climate Research Alliance and the European Parliament Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development. To find out more about this event, please see our Policy Feed page.
28 September 2020, Winter Tourism webinar, online
Blue-Action partnered with other projects with relevance to climate services for winter tourism, including PROSNOW, Climateurope and Copernicus Climate Services. The webinar “Climate services relevant to ski tourism” brought together leading experts in climate services development and climate change impacts to ski tourism, along with innovative solutions to better anticipate decisions for snow management in ski resorts and, therefore, increase their resilience against climate change while reducing their environmental footprint through optimized use of critical resource.
The webinar recordings are available here: http://prosnow.org/climate-services-for-ski-tourism/
11th June 2020, Fisheries policy briefing with CERES and ClimeFISH
Blue-Action scientist Mark R. Payne was invited to present as part of a policy briefing on fisheries and aquaculture.
Organised by CERES and its partner project ClimeFish, the session discussed ‘forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries & aquaculture’ with the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency.
You can view Mark's contribution here, and see more about the event here.
15 May 2020, Inputs to DG RTD and EASME, online
Presentation Blue-Action with inputs on research gaps to be addressed in Horizon Europe/Green Deal: download PPT
Research gaps identified by Blue-Action & contribution to the Green Deal elements (more detailed with reference to GD elements): download PPT
List of interventions:
- Steffen M. Olsen (DMI), Opening, Horizon Europe,m Green Deal
- Gerard McCarthy (Maynooth Univ.), AMOC
- Steffen M. Olsen (DMI), Arctic Climate and Weather
- Mark Payne (DTU Aqua), Fish forecasts
- Joan Ballester (ISGlobal), Health
EC review meeting 6 May 2020, online
All presentations are available here below. Please also check the notes in the presentations for further references and links.
WP2 Karin Margretha Larsen: Presentation
WP3 Yongqi Gao Presentation
WP4 Daniela Matei and Noel Keenlyside Presentation
WP1 Jens Hesselbjerg and Yulia Polkova Presentation
WP5 Introduction Mark Payne Presentation
CS1 Ilona Mettiäinen Presentation
CS2 Joan Ballester Presentation
CS3 Øivin Aarnes Presentation
CS4 Mark Payne Presentation
CS5 Vilena Valeeva Presentation
WP7 Management (only) Chiara Bearzotti Presentation
WP6 Clustering and WP8 Dissemination/Engagement/Communication, Steffen Olsen and Hannah Grist Presentation
Inputs for policy feed: Blue-Action topics, Horizon Europe, Steffen Olsen Presentation
16 October 2019, Policy briefing "Ocean predictions/scenarios and observations in response to the climate emergency", Edinburgh (UK)
The ocean is the key to life on our planet and our lives rely on the services and benefits it provides. Results emerging from climate models give us the ability to project changes in the ocean and global climate, and their associated impacts on our society for many years into the future. By taking these forecasts we can plan the urgent response required across individuals, businesses, governments and societies to address the climate emergency. This event shared cutting-edge research by Scottish and European researchers on ocean observations and model projections, and how this work can lead to robust predictions of the physical characteristics and productivity of Scottish seas up to a decade in advance.
Further details on the outputs from this event can be found on our Policy page.
14 October 2019, Joint Workshop on Subpolar North Atlantic Eastern Boundary, Edinburgh (UK)
This workshop was a collaboration between three EU funded Projects: (H2020) Blue-Action, (H2020) ATLAS and ERDF-funded A4 project. The workshop goals were closer collaboration between the groups making (especially moored) observations along the eastern boundary of the subpolar North Atlantic.
Outputs of this event:
- Workshop presentations and detailed report
- Key messages for policy-makers
12 October 2019, Arctic Circle Blue-Action breakout sessions, Reykjavik (IS)
The Blue-Action sessions were held on Sat. 12 October 2019:
8:00-9:00, SECURING SNOW FOR WINTER TOURISM. With Ilona Mettiainen, Martin Coath (Univeristy of Lapland) and Pernille Martiny Modvig (Climate-KIC)
11:30 – 12:15, REALISING THE POTENTIAL OF “A PREDICTED OCEAN” – WHAT IS NEEDED? With Mark Payne (DTU Aqua) and Øivin Aarnes (DNV GL)
The breakout sessions were moderated by Solveig Zophoniasdottir (CKIC).
A report on the sessions can be found in our Deliverable D8.13.
Full programme of the Arctic Circle 2019 event: http://www.arcticcircle.org/Media/2019-arctic-circle-assembly-program.pdf
2-4 October 2019, MASTS conference, Glasgow (UK)
Poster on Climate services: Climate models can forecast fish distributionsin the “Future of Scottish Fisheries” session, at the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland will hold its ninth Annual Science Meeting (ASM).
Blue-Action representative: Hannah Grist (SRSL)
Find out more: https://www.masts.ac.uk/annual-science-meeting/
23-28 September 2019, Northern Sustainable Development Forum, Yakutsk (RU)
This event was organized by the Northern Forum, the organization for cooperation between Arctic regions. Talk on strategic options for the indigenous communities based on the WP5/CS5 case study
Blue-Action representative: Vilena Valeeva (IASS), Uncertain futures in the Arctic: Strategic options for Yamal indigenous peoples, available in Zenodo
16-20 September 2019, OceanObs' 2019, Honolulu
Poster on Predicting the North Atlantic for Climate Services, available in Zenodo
as a contribution to the AtlantOS BluePrint for Ocean Observing in the Atlantic
5-7 June 2019, 2nd EU Climate Modelling workshop, Bergen (NO)
Blue-Action is part of the EU Climate Modelling Cluster set up by the European Commission for fostering exchanges between the following projects funded by H2020: Blue-Action, PRIMAVERA, CRESCENDO and APPLICATE. Find out more about the EU Climate Modelling Cluster.
Main outputs of this event:
- Presentations and posters
- Deliverable D6.2 available in Zenodo
27-29 May 2019, 4th ECCA: European Climate Change Adaptation, Lisbon (PT)
Blue-Action took part in the biennial conference convened by EU-funded Projects together with Climateurope and other projects dealing with climate services. Sharing a booth with JPI Climate, JPI Climate projects and Climateurope.
More about the event: ECCA
24-26 April 2019, Workshop on Representativeness of Ocean Observations and Fluxes Calculations, in collaboration with ASOF, Copenhagen (DK)
Blue-Action and DMI hosted the 2019 ASOF meeting in Copenhagen.
Main outputs of this event:
- Webrecordings and presentations
- Deliverable D6.2, available in Zenodo
- Key take-home messages for policy-makers
Learn more about the collaboration with ASOF.
14-16 March 2019, Conference "Yamal oil and gas forum" Noviy Urengoy (RU)
This event is organised by the Government of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Blue-Action has been invited to connect with Yamal officials and Yamal business and tell them about our CS5 results.
Blue-Action representative: Vilena Valeeva (IASS)
15 March 2019, IMEMO Workshop on "New Arctic: Vision for Yamal Sustainable Development Options", Moscow (RU)
Organised by partner IMEMO in collaboration with IASS, IAP-RAS (Vladimir Semenov) and Foresight Intelligence (Johannes Gabriel).
Goal: Present the results of our Yamal project to a broader Russian audience, including scientific community, business, officials, and NGOs.
Organiser and Blue-Action representative: Elena Nikitina (IMEMO)
27-28 February 2019, ECRA General Assembly, Brussels (BE)
Happy to contribute to ECRA with a talk by Marius Årthun (UIB): Blue-Action: Quantify the role of a changing Arctic in predictive capability of weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere”
Event page: http://www.ecra-climate.eu/activities-events/ecra-general-assemblies/182-ecra-ga19-2b
26 February 2019, CMCC webinar Decadal predictability of North Atlantic blocking and the NAO
At 12:30 pm CET
State-of-the-art decadal predictions are known to exhibit significant skill for sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies beyond the warming trend, even with small ensembles. A well-established result is the high predictive skill in the North Atlantic basin, associated with the observed Atlantic Multidecadal Variability signal. However, for societal applications it is rather the weather patterns and the associated atmospheric circulation anomalies that are of interest. Read more... https://www.cmcc.it/events/cmcc-webinar-decadal-predictability-of-north-atlantic-blocking-and-the-nao
Webinar: The seminar will be broadcasted via Go-to-Webinar http://bit.ly/NAtlantic
Blue-Action representatives: Annalisa Cherchi and Panos Athanasiadis (CMCC) of WP4
28-30 January 2019 APPLICATE 2019 annual meeting, Reading (UK)
Steffen Olsen (DMI) presented the latest progress of Blue-Action at this meeting. Presentation is available in Zenodo.
20-24 January 2019, Arctic Frontiers Smart Arctic, Tromsø (NO)
Blue-Action representatives and list of contributions:
Vilena Valeeva (IASS), 4227965 Scenarios as a tool for the improvement of stakeholders' capacity for adapting effectively to multiple changes in the Arctic: The case of the Yamal region, allocated to session The future of Governance and handling Vulnerability in Arctic Ecosystems on 23 January 2019,starting at 13:30.
- Øivin Aarnes (DNV GL) speaker at the Improved safety and environmentally sound operations in the Arctic Ocean, Lunch event organised by the EU Arctic Cluster, Wednesday 23 January 2019, 12:30 - 14:00, Clarion Hotel the Edge - 11th floor (Skybar) https://www.arcticfrontiers.com/program/session/?id=ASE021 Presentation available in Zenodo
27-29 November 2018, Internal Annual Meeting Blue-Action, Costa da Caparica (PT)¶
The Annual Meeting took place on 27-28-29 November 2018 in Costa de Caparica (PT).
22 November 2018, Convened session on Climate Services at the YHYS Colloquium Session on Climate Service, Rovaniemi (FI)
Blue-Action representatives: Ilona Mettiainen (AC UoL), convener of the session on climate services, and Øivin Aarnes (DNV GL)
Inputs from the scientists of EU-MACS and MARCO (from FMI) are foreseen for the Session on Climate Services.
Wakelet of the event: with abstracts and links to presentations https://wakelet.com/wake/bcbb993b-aadd-4ca3-8a60-0c0e534b77ac
More about the event: https://www.ulapland.fi/EN/Events/YHYS-Colloquium
25- 26 October 2018, 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial, Berlin (DE)
Several scientists took partin the ASM2 as national representatives for their countries. Some of the colleagues working for Blue-Action attended the ASM2: Denmark was represented by Steffen M. Olsen and Shuting Yang (DMI), Germany by Kathrin Stephen (IASS), Tor Eldevik (UiB) for Norway.
More about the event: https://www.arcticscienceministerial.org/en/index.html
Outcomes of the ASM2: the final, signed statement from ASM2 can be downloaded here. Note that both YOPP and SAON are profiled as concrete actions for collaboration. From the EC, Marie-Anne Coninsx explained how the EC will continue to step up on their engagement in Arctic research.
17-19 October 2018, Climateurope Festival 2018, "Climate information at your service", Belgrade (RS)
Mark will be presenting the case study on fishery at the Climateurope Festival.
Blue-Action representative: Mark Payne (DTU Aqua)
Agenda: https://www.climateurope.eu/events-climateurope/festival/climateurope-festival-2018
Twitter: #ClimatEU18
28 September 2018, Final stakeholder meeting of H2020 projects MARCO and EU-MACS, Berlin (DE)
Blue-Action representative: Ilona Mettiainen (AC UoL)
About the meeting: marco-h2020.eu/final-stakeholder-meeting-of-h2020-projects-marco-and-eu-macs/
26-27 September 2018, Third and last workshop in the “Yamal 2040” series organised by Blue-Action, Potsdam (DE)
This workshop series is a part of the Blue-Action case study 5 on Yamal 2040 which enables various stakeholders of the remote Yamal region in the Russia Arctic to adapt to a highly uncertain future by creating a number of different scenarios as to how the region could look like by 2040. The scenarios were created together with stakeholders at the first two workshops and they incorporate knowledge from different backgrounds including climate science, economic, political, and local-indigenous perspectives. At the third workshop, the stakeholders will be provided with concrete tools to adapt to climate change impacts and other uncertain developments in the Yamal region. This will be achieved through the development of adaptation strategies tailored to specific stakeholder groups in order to help them to prepare for potential consequences of each scenario.
Organisers: Kathrin Stephen and Vilena Valeeva (IASS) and Johannes Gabriel (Foresight Intelligence)
4 September 2018, Science-policy breakfast discussion: "The slowing Gulf Stream? What we know and potential impacts", European Parliament, Brussels (BE)
This policy briefing has been a joint effort of the two H2020 projects Blue-Action and AtlantOS and Searica. Searica is the European Parliament Intergroup on The Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas. The intergroup brings together 80 Members of the European Parliament from six different political groups and 19 member states.
Target audience: Members of the European Parliament and policy makers.
Follow up of the event:
- More about this event, the discussion, and copies of the Policy Brief and presentations can be found here
- NEW! Check out the WAKELET of the event!
15-26 June 2018, POLAR2018 Open Science Conference, Davos (CH)
Blue-Action representatives: Mikahil Dobrynin (UHH) and Daniela Domeisen (ETH) WP1.
Talks at the event:
- Mikahil Dobrynin (UHH) WP1: Talk A-938-0010-02358 "Sub-seasonal Predictability of Cold Air Outbreaks" Session: AC-6_AC-7b - Across the Southern Ocean: Atmospheric and ice mass changes & Seeing the Future: Predicting Variability and Change of the Polar Climate and Environment Date and time: 23.06.2018 14:00-15:30 Room: C Sanada I
- Daniela Domeisen (ETH) WP1: Talk A-938-0005-00760 titled "Stratospheric Polar Jet Oscillation Events and their Surface Predictability" Session: AC-2b - Polar meteorology, climatology and stratospheric processes Date and time: 21.06.2018 16:00-17:30 Room: C Sanada I
More about the event: https://www.polar2018.org/
25 - 27 April 2018, Workshop on Cryospheric Extremes, Helsinki (FI)
Extreme weather events are commonly encompassed phenomena such as heat waves, droughts, floods and storms. In cold regions, these are augmented with snow and sea-ice related extreme events, usually triggered by anomalous atmospheric or oceanic conditions. Although extreme events are a core climate research focus, cryospheric extremes have not received much attention yet. The overarching aim of the workshop is to review our understanding of cryospheric extreme events in the past, present and future, and to identify research needs.
Blue-Action representatives:
- Joan Ballester (ISGlobal)
- Shuting Yang (DMI)
- Torben Schmith (DMI)
- Daniela Domeisen (ETH)
Organisers: Jari Haapala, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, Carolina Gabarró Prats, Institut de Ciències del Mar – CSIC, Spain, Hugues Goosse, Earth and Life Institute-Université de Louvain, Belgium, Elizabeth Hunke, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Veijo Pohjola, University of Uppsala, Sweden, Steffen Olsen, Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark, Steffen Tietsche, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, UK
25-27 April 2018, 16th ASOF-ISSG Meeting and Workshop, LOCEAN, Sorbonne Université, Paris (FR)
ASOF is an international program on the oceanography of the Arctic and Subarctic seas and their role in climate. ASOF focuses on ocean fluxes of mass, heat, freshwater, and ice in the Arctic and Subarctic oceans The program was established in 2000 and the first phase from 2000 - 2008 coordinated novel measurements in novel places in order to produce a baseline freshwater flux budget for Arctic inflows and outflows. ASOF II foci are:
- To perform an Arctic/Subarctic synthesis of mass, heat & freshwater fluxes,
- To interact with scientists and programs studying Arctic/Subarctic ocean ecosystems and biology,
- To assist testing of ocean circulation and biophysical models of the Arctic and Subarctic.
Organiser: ASOF
Agenda: http://asof.awi.de/
Blue-Action representatives: Bogi Hansen (HAV), Laura de Steur (NIOZ), Svein Osterhus (UIB)
Event on invitation only
17 April 2018, Survey of existing observing systems launched by INTAROS
This survey addresses Arctic in-situ observations of the ocean, atmosphere, terrestrial sphere and cryosphere, retrieved through established networks/observing systems as well as individual large projects. The survey has been launched by the INTAROS teams.
Scope of the survey: to collect the information needed to assess the existing Arctic in-situ observing systems in terms of data delivery chain, accessibility, and spatial-temporal coverage.
Please contribute to the survey, this is important for all those working in the Arctic! The repository of the answers will enhance the visibility of the assessed data, and will facilitate data discovery for stakeholders and data users.
Link to the survey: https://intaros.nersc.no/node/651
4 April 2018 Blue-Action presented at the Swiss Polar Day, Zuerich (CH)
On 18 April 2016, Switzerland announced the creation of the Swiss Polar Institute - intending to have its voice heard and making a contribution in a field in which it already had solid expertise. The Swiss Polar institute organised the first Swiss Polar Day in early April in Zuerich.
Blue-Action representative: Daniela Domeísen (ETH Zurich) will be presenting Blue-Action at the Swiss Polar Day holding a presentation about our activities.
Organiser: Swiss Polar Institute (SPI)
More about this event: https://polar.epfl.ch/page-153429-en.html
27-28 March 2018, EU-PolarNet General Assembly, Tallinn (EE)
Presentation of Blue-Action recent activities and potential contribution to EU-PolarNet activities in Tallinn.
Blue-Action representatives: Raeanne Miller (SRSL) and Chiara Bearzotti (DMI)
Organiser: EU-PolarNet
More about the event: http://www.eu-polarnet.eu/
Event on invitation only
19 March 2018, The EU’s Arctic research and Arctic scientific cooperation, Levi (FI)
The seminar provides information about the preparations for the Second Arctic Science Ministerial Meeting (which will take place in Berlin in late October), and also present the EU’s research policy and EU-funded Arctic research projects. Moreover, we will look at international science cooperation in the Arctic and possible "sticking points" (and possibilities for addressing these challenges). This is an event on invitation only!
Blue-Action representative: Ilona Mettiainen (AC UoL)
Organiser: Timo Koivurova and Adam Stepien (AC UoL)
Venue and agenda: http://www.arcticcentre.org/EN/events/EUAPAseminar
21-26 Jan 2018, Arctic Frontiers- Connecting the Arctic, Tromsø (NO)
In 2018 the Arctic Frontiers Policy program will have five main sessions with the following tentative working titles: State of the Arctic, Technology and connectivity, Resilient Arctic societies and business development, Healthy and productive oceans, Industry and environment.
Organiser: Arctic Frontiers Secretariat
Blue-Action representatives:
- Oral presentation 3887712 Translating advances in Arctic climate science to climate services across the Northern Hemisphere, Vilena Valeeva (IASS)
- Poster 3885047 Blue-Action: Understanding the impact of a changing Arctic on Northern Hemisphere weather and climate, Steffen Olsen (DMI)
- Poster 3887697 Improving stakeholders' capacity for adapting effectively to changing conditions: the case of oil and gas development in the Russian Arctic, Vilena Valeeva (IASS)
Venue and Agenda: http://www.arcticfrontiers.com/
18-19 January 2018, Annual Meeting 2018, Bologna (IT)
Organiser: Project office at DMI with the support of the Annalisa Cherchi (INGV)
NEW! Agenda: with updated room allocation for breakout sessions Last version 15 Jan 2018
Attendees: full list (4 Jan 2018)
Venue and location: via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, inside the CNR Research Area campus.
NEW! How to reach the venue and eating out: suggestions
More information: in our intranet https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/issues/7903
Registration page: It is now closed! registration on Eventbrite
7-8 Dec. 2017, First Blue-Action Workshop of Yamal 2040 Scenario project, Moscow (RU)
Organisers: Partners IASS, IMEMO, Foresight Intelligence
Concept: Download the Concept in PDF
Read more about this case study
Event follow up: Scientists and stakeholders anticipate alternative futures for remote Russian Arctic region
Read the full press release in our Media & Materials section
29-30 Nov. 2017, Climate services at work, Projects exchange and networking lab, Brussels (BE)
Venue: CDMA building, Rue du Champ de Mars 21
Organiser: Franz Immler, European Commission
Blue-Action representatives: Steffen M. Olsen (DMI) and Joan Ballester (ISGlobal)
More details in our intranet https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/issues/7989
23-24 Nov 2017, IMOBAR workshop, Brussels (BE)
The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts in observations, observational data providers, major users and stakeholders in order to discuss the societal benefit areas of Arctic observational systems. The workshop will provide information on relative importance of observational systems with respect to their societal benefits and investment and maintenance costs. The project report will be a part of the European Union contribution to the Arctic Ministerial Meeting planned in the autumn 2018.
Organiser: DG RTD and DG JRC
Blue-Action representatives: Karin M. Larsen (HAV) and Ben Moat (NOC)
Venue and agenda: see the intranet https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/issues/7959
19-21 Nov 2017, Arctic Circle Forum: Edinburgh 2017
The Arctic Circle Forum: Edinburgh 2017 is an Arctic Circle Forum organised by the Scottish government. The Arctic Circle Forums are a series of specialised spin-off events from the main Arctic Circle Assembly, held annually in Iceland. It provides an opportunity for policy makers, academics, professionals and wider civic society to participate in discussions focused on areas of common interest between Scotland and Arctic region.
Organiser: the Scottish government
Blue-Action representative: partner Marine Scotland Science has a stand at the exhibition.
Venue and agenda: https://www.arcticcirclescotland.com/
15 Nov. 2017 COP23 - Side event of the EU Arctic Cluster "Polar insights for climate action: Arctic science contributions to implementing the Paris Agreement"
Lead organiser are EU-PolarNet/APPLICATE, with the support and contribution of Blue-Action, ICE-ARC, INTAROS, Nunataryuk, INTERACT. The side event will deal with the following topics: Introduction and link to Paris Agreement, Changing weather pattern, Glacier/ice sheet melt impact on sea level, Permafrost, Influence of the Arctic on Global Oceans.
- Event title: Polar insights for climate action: Arctic science contributions to implementing the Paris Agreement
- Thematic focus:Impact of the EU’s investment in Arctic science
- Venue: EU Pavillion
13-15 October 2017, Arctic Circle 2017, Reykjavik Meet Blue-Action and the Arctic Cluster!
We are excited to be part of this event and to be represented there by our scientists.
These are the sessions we are contributing to:
Day | Time | Room | Project | Title of Session |
Friday | 16:15-17:45 | ICE-ARC | EU Arctic Policy: Climate Change, Science and safeguardging the Arctic environment | |
Friday | 21:00-22:00 | INTERACT | INTERACT Basecamp: Access to the Arctic | |
Saturday | 17:30-19:00 | Háaloft | EU-PolarNet, EPB and INTERACT | EU Arctic Policy: Science as catalyst for international cooperation |
Saturday | 17:30-19:00 | EPB et al | Scales of observations-Connecting Arctic data, information and people | |
Sunday | 08:00-09:00 | Akrafjall | Blue-Action | Climate service innovation and enhancing climate-resilience in Arctic businesses (organised by Climate-KIC Nordics) |
15 October 2017 Arctic Climate Services – Sessions summary of the discussion chaired by Climate-KIC at Arctic Circle
On the 15 October 2017 Climate-KIC chaired a discussion on fostering innovation in climate technologies and infrastructure at this year’s Arctic Circle event in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Read more in the session summary: PDF document
More information about the event and full programme: http://www.arcticcircle.org/
Blue-Action scientists involved in the sessions: Raeanne Miller (SRSL), Daniela Domeisen (ETH), Mark Payne (DTU Aqua), Øivin Aarnes (DNV GL), Peter Vangsbo (Climate-KIC)
Stand of the EU Arctic cluster: Look out for our roll ups at the event!
Session summary: The session "Climate service innovation and enhancing climate-resilience in Arctic businesses", was organised by Climate-KIC. The session summary is now available for download PDF document
14-16 Nov 2017, Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit conference, Rovaniemi (FI)
Poster of Blue-Action on WP5 case studies presented at this event.
Organiser: Arctic Center of the Univ. Lapland and Rovaniemi City
Blue-Action representative: Ilona Mettiäinen (Ac UoL)
Venue and agenda: http://www.rovaniemiarcticspirit.fi/EN
18-19 Sept 2017, First Joint workshop to (re)formulate open research questions of joint interest “Tipping Elements in the Climate System, with a Focus on the North Atlantic”, Oxford (UK)
Blue-Action is focused on Arctic and high latitude changes. Therefore, the high number of tipping elements in this region and their potentially large impact on Northern Hemisphere climate is of particular interest and concern to Blue-Action scientists. The workshop was organised by the Blue-Action project to link Blue-Action scientists with experts outside the project. Key areas of research and actions for future collaboration were identified. Find out more about the outcomes of the workshop in the D6.1
1-2 August 2017 ICIMOD 2017 International workshop on cryopsheric change and sustainable development, Lanzhou (China)
Organiser: International Center for integrated mountain development (ICIMOD)
Venue and Agenda: http://www.icimod.org/?q=26683
Blue-Action representative: Yongqi Gao (NERSC)
10-12 July 2017, Blue-Action meets GERICS, Hamburg (DE)
The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) is a scientific organizational entity of Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. GERICS offers in a scientifically sound manner products, advisory services and decision-relevant information in order to support government, administration and business in their efforts to adapt to climate change. GERICS functions as a think tank for climate services.
GERICS is an important player in the definition and implementation of the Roadmap for Climate Services in Europe and provides significant contributions to EU H2020 projects such as CLIMATEUROPE, EU-MACS and MARCO.
The WP5 team of Blue-Action meets the GERICS key people in a two-day workshop.
Venue: Chile Haus, Hamburg
Organiser: Mak Payne (DTU) and Lola Kotova (GERICS/CLIMATEUROPE), for info please contact Chiara Bearzotti (chb at dmi.dk)
Events on invitation only
22 June 2017, Societal Challenge 2 coordinator's day, Brussels (BE)
Organiser: European Commission
Venue and Agenda: Agenda of the event in PDF
Blue-Action representative: Chiara Bearzotti (DMI)
Presentation: Short summary of the project goals/activities
(Registration is closed)
5-9 June 2017, 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Glasgow (UK)
Organiser: ECCA
Agenda and Venue: http://ecca2017.eu/
Blue-Action representative: Raeanne Miller (SRSL) with a poster on Blue-Action project and specifically the connections between WP5 and WP8.
23-24 May Clustering workshop for the EU Horizon 2020 projects APPLICATE, Blue-Action, PRIMAVERA and CRESCENDO
Topic: Evaluating climate and Earth system models at the process level.
Organiser: Fabio Dalan (EC) and Colin Jones, CRESCENDO
Venue: Brussels
Blue-Action representatives:
- Steffen Olsen (DMI)
- Daniela Matei (MPI-M)
- Jan-Stefan Fritz (KDM)
- Ben Moat (NOC)
- Guillaume Gastineau (CNRS-IPSL)
- Shuting Yang (DMI)
Event on invitation only
Blue-Action WP2 at the INTAROS workshop Building long-‐term observing szstems in the Arctic - requirements and challenges
Organiser: NERSC and EuroGOOS
Venue and Agenda: EuroGOOS
Blue-Action representative: Karin Larsen (HAV) leader WP2
More info about INTAROS (H2020) project can be found here: https://www.nersc.no/project/intaros
28 April 2017 The Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences awarded Russian funding for mirrowing Blue-Action proposal!
Partner Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP-RAS), represented by the PI Vladimir Semenov, has been awarded Russian funding by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for taking part in the Blue-Action activities. Read more >>
24-27 April 2017 International Conference on Arctic Science: Bringing Knowledge to Action, Reston, Virginia (USA)
Organisers: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, work is conducted according to a mandate determined by the Arctic Council Ministers and Senior Arctic Officials & EU-PolarNet
Venue and Agenda: http://www.amap.no/external/2017-International-Conference-on-Arctic-Science/index.php
Representative Blue-Action: Vilena Valeeva (IASS)
Poster: available in Zenodo
5-7 April 2017, Climateurope Festival 2017, Valencia (ES)
Organiser: Met Office and GERICS
Venue and Agenda: https://www.climateurope.eu/events-climateurope/festival/about-climateurope-festival-2017/
Blue-Action representative: Peter Vangsbo (CKIC)
3 April 2017, EU-PolarNet General Assembly, Prague (CZ)
Blue-Action invited to attend the GA of EU-Polarnet which will be held during the ASSW2017 to discuss modes of cooperation and information. Steffen Olsen will be attending the meeting.
Organiser: EU Polarnet
Venue: Clarion Congress Hotel in Prague
Blue-Action representative: Steffen Olsen (DMI)
Presentation: https://zenodo.org/record/495159#.WOTmDmmLTiw
This event is on invitation only
29-30 March 2017 Arctic Workshop of the Transatlantic Ocean Research Alliance, Brussels (BE)
Organiser: European Commission
Venue: Rue du Champ de Mars, 21 – B-1050 Brussels (BE)
Blue-Action representative: Steffen Olsen (DMI), Guillaume Gastineau (CNRS-LOCEAN), Karin H. Larsen (HAV)
Presentation: https://zenodo.org/record/439906#.WOJI1lXyjZ4
This event is on invitation only
20-22 March 2017, ASOF workshop, Sopot (PL)
Organiser: ASOF, Michael Karcher
Agenda and Venue: http://asof.awi.de/outputs/asof-issg-meetings-workshops/sopot-march-20-22-2017/
Blue-Action representative: Steffen Olsen (DMI) and Marius Arthun (UiB)
Presentation Blue-Action: https://zenodo.org/record/495168#.WOTqOmmLTiw
All presentations of the workshops: http://asof.awi.de/outputs/asof-issg-meetings-workshops/sopot-march-20-22-2017/
16-17 March 2017, Blue-Action at the Expert Meeting “Transfer to Green Economy in Russia: Designing Action Plan”
Organiser: Russian Federation Ministry on Natural Resources and Environment; Cadaster Science and Technology Center
Venue: Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl, Russia
Blue-Action representative: Elena Nikitina (IMEMO, Russia)
Report: https://zenodo.org/record/439912
Event on invitation only
7-8 March 2017 ECRA General Assembly 2017
Venue: Square Brussels Meeting Centre, Coudenberg 3, 1000 Brussels
Agenda: Link to event page
Organiser: ECRA
2-3 March 2017, Blue Action at the HiMAC 2017 International Workshop on Observations and Understanding of Changes in High Mountain and Cold Regions, Bejing (China)
Organiser: DBAR, RADI, CAS
Agenda and Venue: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/himac-2017-international-workshop-observations-changes-yubao-qiu
Blue-Action representative: Yongqi Gao (NERSC)
28 February – 2 March 2017 Fifth International Conference on Climate Services
Organiser: ICCS5 http://www.climate-services.org/iccs/iccs5/
Venue and Agenda: Cape Town, South Africa http://www.climate-services.org/iccs/iccs5/conference-programme/
Blue-Action representative: Joan Ballester (ISGlobal)
Poster: Forecast scheme of temperature-related mortality for decision-making in European regions and cities
8-9 February 2017, APPLICATE 2017 kick-off, Bremerhaven (DE)
Blue-Action representative: Daniela Matei (MPI-M), H2020 Blue-Action project goals and activities, https://zenodo.org/record/545782
18-20 January 2017, Blue-Action Kick off Meeting, Berlin (DE)
Outputs of this event:
- Presentations
- Minutes of the first annual meeting (D7.4) - confidential-
11-12 Jan 2017, INTAROS kick off, Bergen (NO)
Organiser: Stein Sandven, INTAROS coordinator
Venue: Bergen (NO)
Blue-Action representative: Yongqi Gao (NERSC)
This event is on invitation only.
30 Nov. -2 Dec. 2016, Sustainable Ocean Summit, Rotterdam (NL)
Venue and schedule: http://oceancouncil.org/
Organiser: Partner World Ocean Council (partner 40), Paul Holthus
Blue-Action representative: Paul Holthus