Blue-Action collaborates with other climate service projects, such as Opens external link in new windowClimateurope Opens external link in new windowMARCO and Opens external link in new windowEU-MACS.

Our climate services and climate information services are mostly focusing on the Arctic area and in the Northern Hemisphere.

Blue-Action organised

10 July 2017, Clustering workshop WP5/WP8 Blue-Action and GERICS on "Climate Services", Hamburg (DE)

The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) is a scientific organizational entity of Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. GERICS offers in a scientifically sound manner products, advisory services and decision-relevant information in order to support government, administration and business in their efforts to adapt to climate change. GERICS functions as a think tank for climate services.

GERICS is an important player in the definition and implementation of the Roadmap for Climate Services in Europe and provides significant contributions to EU H2020 projects such as CLIMATEUROPE,  EU-MACS  and MARCO.

The WP5 team of Blue-Action meets the GERICS key people in a two-day workshop.

Venue: Chile Haus, Hamburg

Organiser: Mak Payne (DTU) and Lola Kotova (GERICS/CLIMATEUROPE), Chiara Bearzotti (DMI)

Events on invitation only

Blue-Action contributed to

Recommendations to Horizon Europe on research needs for Climate Modelling and Climate Services , Climateurope Deliverable D4.4

Climateurope Report on "Matching New Demands of Climate Services with Evolving Earth System Modelling and Prediction Capabilities" (Climateurope Deliverable D3.3) in progress


27-29 May 2019, 4th ECCA: European Climate Change Adaptation, Lisbon (PT)

Blue-Action took part in the biennial conference together with Climateurope and other projects dealing with climate services, sharing a booth with JPI Climate, JPI Climate projects and the H2020 Climateurope project.

17-19 October 2018, Climateurope Festival 2018, "Climate information at your service", Belgrade (SRB)

Link: Opens external link in new window

Mark Payne (DTU) benefited from the participation in the market place and in the breakout sessions to focus on his CS4 Fishery service, in terms of value proposition, relationship, channels, customers, revenue streams, both from his perspective (the offer) and from the perspective of his customers (the demand).

28 Sept 2018, Final stakeholder meeting of H2020 projects MARCO and EU-MACS, Berlin (DE)

with the pitch of Ilona Mettiäinen (AC UoL) WP5 CS1 Co-designing a climate service for winter tourism business in Northern Finland. 

The projects MARCO and EU-MACS have case studies on tourism too but in Austria: and a third project at the meeting PROSNOW has also an interesting portfolio of case studie

Benefit of our participation to this event: learn from these two projects outcomes, inform them about Blue-Action goals/activities/expected CS.

29-30 Nov. 2017, EC/EASME workshop „Climate services at work, Projects exchange and networking lab, Brussels (BE)

The event brought together projects working in the area of climate services to exchange experiences and approaches, identify synergies and cooperation opportunities; discuss activities and means to maximize the projects' impact and contribute towards increased coordination, complementarity and visibility of project activities. This event was an opportunity for all CS projects to discuss topics of interest with colleagues and stakeholders. 

5-7 April 2017, Climateurope Festival 2017, Valencia (ES)

16-17 March 2017, Expert meeting “Transfer to Green Economy in Russia: Designing Action Plan”, Yaroslavl (RU)

Presentations by Elena Nikitina (IMEMO) avaialble in Zenodo

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